Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Be part of the Green Generation, celebrate Earth Day by taking action towards GREEN! Here are some small things you can do towards creating a greener lifestyle. They are simple, take at least one thing and make it your own and make everyday, Earth Day:

- Reduce carbon footprint. Ride your bike to work if you can, walk to your nearby grocery shop, car pool with a friend, neighbor or co-worker to work or dropping your children to school ... carbon emission accounts for the numerous damage that has been done to our ozone layers. The effects of such damage? Global warming, increase of skin cancer ... the list goes on.

- Project Switch. Started by the Earth Day Network - save energy by switching inefficient incandescent light bulbs. Save money on electricity bills by using less energy. This is yet another step towards reducing carbon footprint.

- Plant a Tree. This weekend, plant a tree with your loved ones. It's amazing bonding time and it's your way of giving back to mother nature.

- Go Natural. Substitute water-based products whenever possible when buying paints and household cleaners, or switch from chemical-type cleaners to natural products like soap and water. Natural cleaners are healthier for children and families as you won't be ingesting in chemical residue left behind by cleaners. Buy products in bulk or with minimal packaging materials.

- Protect the Water. Clean up after pets, even if you don't live near a stream or river. Don't dump used oil, paint, coolants or other chemicals into the ground, stormdrains or garage drains. Find proper disposal instructions online.

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