Saturday, November 22, 2008

Holidays Do's & Don'ts

It's that time of the year already ... festive music, sparkly lights, shopping rush and lots of family dinners and parties with friends. While having fun, don't forget some basic holiday etiquette!

Gift Giving:
- Regifting is okay only when you won't offend the person who gave you the gift. When in doubt, don't do it. The best way to deal with unwanted gifts is to donate them to charities. Just remember, maybe you absolutely hate that sweater that Auntie Sally got you, but there is someone out there who will really need that sweater. The same goes for books, toys, decorative goods ... etc.

- In tough economic times, spending less on your close friends & families is understandable. After all, it's the thought that counts. Also, you can always offer services such as pet or baby sitting.

- Another great present to give someone, especially those that have everything is donating to charity of choice in their name. A lot of charities will in return, give you a card to give to the person whose name you donated money in to notify them of your gesture. But please know that donating to charities is not an outlet to skim. If you had planned on giving a $50, donate the entire $50.

Hosting Parties & Companies:
- Be a gracious host. If you are expecting guests to stay over in your home, be sure to have extra blankets and pillows. Try to give your guests what you'd expect at a hotel. Put together an amenity basket of small goodies. Make your guests feel welcomed.

- As a guest, always bring the hostess a holiday gift. Chances are, they've gone out of their way to do some extra cleaning and organizing in anticipation of your stay. Show that you appreciate them doing all that and opening their home to you. If you don't have time for gifts, taking the hostess out for a nice post holiday meal is a good gesture as well.

- Don't be high maintenance. If you have special food needs, eat before you attend a party or give the hostess notice well in advance.

- Mingle at parties. Don't make the hostess feel bad that she's left you alone to sit when she's busy manning the party and greeting her other guests at the same time. Plus you never know who you'll meet.

- Drink a full glass of water before heading to a party so that will keep you full in case of any food delays. That will also keep you from binging.

- Don't restrain yourself from eating certain items. It's the holidays after all. Indulge in a bit of cake, pastries and those delicious sweet potato fries ... just remember portion control is key.

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